On May’s lego banner, I went blue until I finished any one of the units, did 1331 orbs and ended up with 7 LDeidre, 2 Nerthuz, 7 LFShez, 2 Ash, 1 Plumeria, 7 4.5* units. I currently don’t forsee any banner in upcoming months where I would dive in this “hard”, which is awkward as I’ve easily done twice as much in the past on lego banners.
Did both sparks on the recent Fallen units banner, did the spark on the recent Brides banner, and that’s about it. Legendary banner at the end of the month, but I don’t plan to go that far beyond spark for it.
Engage didn’t do as well as 3H (no surprise tbh, it’s still more of a fanservice title to me despite all the “full features” it has), and haven’t seen much activity of it in FEH despite half a year going.
Speaking of Engage, Faerghast!
Compiled with Google Play being a HUGE PITA in claiming gift cards, and the yen rate being amazing, I’ve been whaling on J-fashion instead of FEH lately lol.