Vault of Heaven

Vault of Heaven (VoH) starts soon in AR. As usual, we’ve got the freeloaders/super-casuals/lemmings/trashmemers calling the mode things like “All Whales Go To Heaven” and misconstrued things of that nature. In reality, it’s plenty PLENTY doable to go to VoH and even STAY (rather than oscillate) as a completely F2P player. What you DO need… Continue reading Vault of Heaven


NY results~

Results from 1200 orbs! 2 NYKaden (+10 @ 4*), 1 NYAnna, 11 DuoNYPeony, 8 NYLethe, 1 NYPlumeria, 2 NYSelkie, 4 pitybreaks (FIke, Leila, Ced, Dieck) Nothing in blue :o Although it was my last priority color, as NYVelouria is available in the orb pack, and my DuoFonse is done. NYLethe came in like 5 times… Continue reading NY results~