Aether Raids – Considering DuoFonse At Last

Up until now and still now, I’ve been using DuoFonse as a core Arena unit, reblessing him as necessary to suit the monthly season rotation. Now that I have other Duo units I could use as Arena core (DuoFByleth, DuoEphraim, DuoMicaiah–though DuoMicaiah is already designated Light season AR), I’m considering shifting DuoFonse to AR Light… Continue reading Aether Raids – Considering DuoFonse At Last


1000-san’s Re: Aether Raids Starting from Zero

“Re: Aether Raids Starting from Zero” series is pretty inspirational: To sum it up (spoilers)… 1000 (pronounced “sen”) did a Nuzlocke challenge of starting a fresh new account to climb Aether Raids to tier 21. Conditions: -No gacha units (there were a few exceptions for quests that he covers, like accidentally claiming a Jagen copy… Continue reading 1000-san’s Re: Aether Raids Starting from Zero