March’s AHR being all green and having Wind Claude in there was not as detrimental as it could’ve been. I ended up getting 3 of him while being able to max everyone else out as I wanted. 613 orbs, 1 per 33 orb average = 3 Wind Claude, 5 X Peony, 5 Xmas Dimitri, 3… Continue reading Still coasting
On May’s lego banner, I went blue until I finished any one of the units, did 1331 orbs and ended up with 7 LDeidre, 2 Nerthuz, 7 LFShez, 2 Ash, 1 Plumeria, 7 4.5* units. I currently don’t forsee any banner in upcoming months where I would dive in this “hard”, which is awkward as… Continue reading Coasting Month 2!
Well, I’ve managed to clear up 2 of 3 accounts with Google Play so far, been procrastinating on the 3rd one even though it should be same issue as the other two, and it’s literally up to luck whether the next time I chat with a rep if they’ll be able to route the issue… Continue reading Coasting Month 1 clear… onto the 2nd!
It’s been almost a year since the previous list, so time to revisit! Will probably update these as the months pass and HOPEFULLY IS addresses any of these??? lol. Some repeats from previous posts included: Let me change music selection during AA prep. I’m really tired of that BGM and it’s easily the one I… Continue reading Game improvements wishlist – June 2022
My love for Fire Emblem is strong enough that I’ll probably never quit FEH, but it’s definitely moved from one of my most hype games to being bottom barrel junk in my list of mobages. A while back, I said FEH would be my last mobage, but this was under the assumption that its quality… Continue reading Stagnant update
So with Warriors Three Hopes coming out, FE train will keep coming in, along with potentially new FE title further down later in the year (or next, or even later… I’m fine either way). FE’s come such a long way since it was almost dead after the Tellius games. I’ll be taking pure backpaddle when… Continue reading Meh SD is boring
While the February FEH channel did address some nice things, particularly in the availability of old OLD seasonals, it ultimately did not address anything near any of the bigger issues that I have concern for when it comes to FEH. It’s mostly about the increasing gap between free content and premium content–feathers have lost a… Continue reading The rich only get richer–wealth disparities
As everything and anything to do with SDR is just depressing and i hope the mode dies in a fiery ball of hell like relay defense did (definitely not as likely considering they gave it its own BGM, sadly), I’ll give a few thoughts on less depressing matters and hopefully more constructive. I remember someone… Continue reading Ramblings – I Want Gauntlet Mode
C/P: You’ll not see me ranking in Summoner Duels, not my thing. I hate it replacing AA (even if it’s just that week). Also hate waiting for player decisions etc =w=; I’ll focus more on Tales of the Rays Divine Tower which looks saintly compared to this despite RNG elements Well, I was looking… Continue reading As I feared… Summoners Duel R
I’m honestly fine with the real-time PvP mode as it CURRENTLY stands BUT the devs have already stated their intentions to add “more tier rewards” which weirds me out, considering tiers don’t even exist in the mode in its current state. This of course implies they’re adding tiers, which I am NOT INTERESTED IN.… Continue reading PvP mode Summoners Duels thoughts (concerns)