I’m honestly fine with the real-time PvP mode as it CURRENTLY stands https://twitter.com/SplashTOMATO/status/1468041452764614658
BUT the devs have already stated their intentions to add “more tier rewards” which weirds me out, considering tiers don’t even exist in the mode in its current state. This of course implies they’re adding tiers, which I am NOT INTERESTED IN.
As I said in the tweet thread, I’m super happy for the people who are finding joy in this mode and hope it keeps people playing. BUT if they go on to add tiers and things to make people play it for anything beyond bragging rights (reward locking), I’m not likely to go tryhard on it. I already have zero motivation to actually play the mode manually.
PvP is definitely not for everyone, and I realize all of the other “PvP” modes in the game are not for everyone either, but those are still actually against AI in the end, and there’s a significant difference in this new PvP mode. If especially they start tiering people based off a ratio of wins/losses, things are gonna toxic FAST… If it’s just a play-grind like it is currently, I’ll sigh some relief and just continue autoing like usual business, although I don’t appreciate the battery drain ;X
Either way… If this ends up going the Pokemon GO route with locking a lot of things behind PvP, you’ll see me a lot less motivated to play FEH in the upcoming future. I’ve already gone HEAVY CASUAL on PoGO after many years of it being my most actively played mobile game, and FEH could easily go the same route. (despite this, I don’t see myself falling out of top 1k out of any of the normal PvP modes anytime soon lol) Especially if they start shifting monetizing incentives towards this new mode, I’ll just kek so hard.
I’m already rooting for Tales of the Rays to outlast FEH as an underdog, and if this real-time PvP mode is the only thing we’re getting for the next year or so, I’ll be sleeping on FEH until something actually good comes up.