Vault of Heaven

Vault of Heaven (VoH) starts soon in AR. As usual, we’ve got the freeloaders/super-casuals/lemmings/trashmemers calling the mode things like “All Whales Go To Heaven” and misconstrued things of that nature. In reality, it’s plenty PLENTY doable to go to VoH and even STAY (rather than oscillate) as a completely F2P player. What you DO need… Continue reading Vault of Heaven


Aether Raids – Considering DuoFonse At Last

Up until now and still now, I’ve been using DuoFonse as a core Arena unit, reblessing him as necessary to suit the monthly season rotation. Now that I have other Duo units I could use as Arena core (DuoFByleth, DuoEphraim, DuoMicaiah–though DuoMicaiah is already designated Light season AR), I’m considering shifting DuoFonse to AR Light… Continue reading Aether Raids – Considering DuoFonse At Last