Vault of Heaven (VoH) starts soon in AR. As usual, we’ve got the freeloaders/super-casuals/lemmings/trashmemers calling the mode things like “All Whales Go To Heaven” and misconstrued things of that nature. In reality, it’s plenty PLENTY doable to go to VoH and even STAY (rather than oscillate) as a completely F2P player. What you DO need… Continue reading Vault of Heaven
I’m all for the steampunk and new Kozaki characters. Some people I wouldn’t expect to be weirded out by this are weirded out for some reason? After dubstep in 3H nothing surprises me tbh and then there are the few weirdos who babyrage that “this isn’t the Fire Emblem I know!” as if canon isn’t… Continue reading Book V Updates + Current AR setups
This team had both Kempf and Rhajat, as well as Brami, Hel, Ophelia, and… Nino? (don’t remember) Flash against Sophia was basically an invitation to help me get pots that were at the top right. Really glad I finally gave Sophia Pulse Smoke this week to essentially disarm Ophelia, it’s really made her much more… Continue reading Sophia did a thing in AR today~
I should start tracking what team carry I use for each AR battle to see the trend of who gets used most often each week. Definitely feeling that Broadleaf setups are getting fewer opportunities as the weeks go on, with its base weaknesses becoming more frequent (Razzle dazzle, Firesweep, Hardy Bearing), and its ultimate weakness… Continue reading AR – Time to Retire Broadleaf?
I don’t remember at which point I had my first +10 BHEctor, but I suspect it was when I +10d my first LTiki. I’m not fully sure about where these 13 other copies came from, but I bet at least half of them are pure pity breaks from random banners, and a good number of… Continue reading BHector’s refine…
Gonna be honest, people kind of sleeping on LCorrin… I know I definitely “slept” on LChrom’s release (at least I’ve finally gotten a good start on him with +spd from his rerun), but I shall be amused when people start venting their frustrations about trying to fight her repeatedly in the PvP modes. It’s fairly… Continue reading Legendary Corrin!! Wind season is a go!!
Up until now and still now, I’ve been using DuoFonse as a core Arena unit, reblessing him as necessary to suit the monthly season rotation. Now that I have other Duo units I could use as Arena core (DuoFByleth, DuoEphraim, DuoMicaiah–though DuoMicaiah is already designated Light season AR), I’m considering shifting DuoFonse to AR Light… Continue reading Aether Raids – Considering DuoFonse At Last
Haven’t done a very good job maintaining this blog recently XD;; Factors of time and effort. Also, Brave Ike’s refine making most of AR become easy mode, even though I kaboom here and there. I still give Matthew my S support weekly though. Thiiiinking of switching over to Sothe with Broadleaf Fan once S Lilina… Continue reading Oops, it’s been a while
I joked not too long ago I would only +10 Matthew if they ever released Guy in FEH, but with his refine and a need for better offense plays in AR, I committed to the +10 Matthew early. NOW BRING GUY TO FEH, IS. He’s working: