I don’t remember at which point I had my first +10 BHEctor, but I suspect it was when I +10d my first LTiki. I’m not fully sure about where these 13 other copies came from, but I bet at least half of them are pure pity breaks from random banners, and a good number of copies were from some other legendary/mythic banner that Akariss had mocked in the past warning people to not roll on because BHector was a dead summon.
Who’s kek’ing now oi
That aside, armors have been really MEH for me for well over a year or two, and as seen in the same screenie, I have extra Hardin copies if I needed Bold Fighter on an armor for whatever reason. I imagine at some certain point of getting these extra BHectors, I noted to myself that MAYBE SOMETHING COULD HAPPEN WITH HIM IN THE FUTURE and having a second +10 wouldn’t be so bad… but what IV? I had no idea, so I literally kept a copy of each IV, +HP, +ATK, +SPD, +DEF, +RES. +def is his only superboon, but he doesn’t need it to score optimally for arena modes. And my original +10 is already +def. So lo and behold comes his refine, and now +res is super viable, especially for Astra.
Even if the upcoming Mythic banner at the end of the month brings in an Astra unit that gives Res and I get that unit, he would still want +res with all the magic damage that is present in AR. So far, I’ve (successfully) experimented with him Ally supported with Duo Marth, and might consider pairing him up with the VFaye monstrosity I showed earlier for Light. I’ve been fine swapping Summoner Supports every week, but Ally support is a little more troublesome for me. Mighttttt be okay with this particular setup though…
Next considerations are whether to give him Pulse Smoke or not… on both Light and Astra, or just Astra? Or not even bother? XD