I’ve started putting up some AR matches on my YouTube channel~ Playlist I hate that Android doesn’t allow recording internal audio without rooting =w= I could use my Galaxy S7 because Samsung’s app allows internal audio, but that would mean playing FEH on a slower phone hahah…
I guess getting AR27 in the earlier light/dark season was due to water season matching up with light. This time it was Earth/Wind, which… eh. Fjorm was bonus unit. Fjorm bonus is precious. Caineghis bonus next. Thankfully there’s no Astra offensive existing yet so I can experiment up the wazoo with beast emblem setups and… Continue reading AR Light/Dark season April 16-22nd
First off, First week of April ranking results: Actually I think I dropped off to around top 300 by the end of the season XD I don’t like to wait until last moment to finish for AR… Other modes (Grand Conquest, Voting Gauntlet), I’m of course fine with though. Current dark season setup: I like… Continue reading AR Defense for Dark season
Build: Slaying Axe+ (Res refine) Reposition Moonbow A: Distant Counter B: Null-C Disrupt C: Panic Ploy S: Distant Defense 3 So this is him after the bane/flaw fix, and 9 Dragonflowers. Only 1 more left! But the last one will only give him Speed which he realllly does not need, so I may not go… Continue reading Updated Helbindi… 1 more flower left!
Lots of things coming up this month for anniversary~ (Will be intense personally since Tales of the Rays also has its anniversary later this month). I’m VERY excited for Nino’s refine–as long as they keep the bladetome effect in her weapon, anything else they add to it is just icing on the cake. She’s already… Continue reading Feb 4 week – 2nd Anniversary!
Yeah I somehow made it to Tier 20 for AR but it’s hell trying to get anywhere higher on it lol. I guess in the loongggg run maybe I can try going for T21, but it might be a while. Need more Eirs and the like. Mythical Duma is a bit underwhelming from what I… Continue reading Jan 28 week – BUCKETS
I’m starting to think maybe I should use something besides QR seal if it’s going to be this overkill rofl *1/18 edit* Yeah, I switched up the QR seal with DD so he takes 0 damage from even more threats, including Ophelia (except for AOE dmg but meh), and then OHKOs everything with a return… Continue reading Helbindi for Aether Raids Pt. 2
Well, rolls for Radiant Dawn Beasts didn’t go as well as I liked (for now), but at least I was able to complete this monster for Aether Raids: He ate many Reinhardts, Veronicas, Brave Lyns, and mages in general today. Still deciding who to use for the next bonus session, but it’ll likely be Naesala… Continue reading Helbendi for Aether Raids