Across streamers, YTers, redditors, discorders and whatnot, the consensus is relatively equal no matter what medium–FEH is not being all that exciting atm. The most recent mode they came out with was an ABSOLUTE JOKE (a Fail-anx, if you would). New “features” like IV mangos are just another thing to hoard for months without end (I can already mango up a 2nd unit, which I currently have planned to turn my Light BIke to Spd, but I’m hoarding it until I find an actual necessity for it). With the release of Plumeria, challenge in Astra season has been whittled down (except for my alt, who couldn’t get Plumeria). My cores for all competitive modes are pretty much completely established at this time. My only one future plan is to +10 BClaude eventually during Hero Fest to likely use him on Astra, but even then, it’s a flavor choice as BHector, BIke, and FIke have been proven to be spectacular these past couple months. I should really be hoarding orbs hard unless IS by some big-brain play actual decides to put out my remaining husbandos into the game (Guy, Yuri, I’m looking at you two).
Shiny sparkly new things (like hubby playing Genshin Impact, DLCs/Spin-offs to certain other Nintendo titles) are occupying the attention of our usual hardcore FEH dedication. Myself, I’ve just gotten back into my biggest personal fandom of Digimon Savers… I’m the type who doesn’t care how obscure my fandom is, but it does bring my utter joy to see my favorites blossom. I certainly want to see Fire Emblem keep blossoming. FE1 limited release irks me, but I’ll still be interested in the physical goods if I can get them from a convenient place (not Gamestop).
I take this all to be a longer-than-usual calm before the storm that Book V should be bringing in, but this means we’ll be holding out for another full month at least, assuming Book V doesn’t come until December. I just fear what kind of mechanic they’ll add in to get people to whale all over again… Whatever it is, I just hope it doesn’t mean a new set of blessings. 8 blessings is quite a hassle to juggle around as it is, despite me being finally set for top 1k competitive in all 8 seasons… Yet sadly, to get people to whale, they might just have to add more. Let’s just say I’ll be pleasantly surprised if they figure out some other novel way of doing this…
FEH might not be all that exciting for now, but I do hope it will pick up again and stick around for many more years to come.